12 matter particles suffice in nature

How many matter particles exist in nature? Particle physicists have been dealing with this question for a long time. The 12 matter particles contained in the standard model of particle physics? Or are there further particles ...

Swift progress on NSLS-II booster

The electrons that will generate intense, focused beams of x-rays at NSLS-II are accelerated to their target energy before they enter the large main ring. That crucial job falls on a complex of equipment known as the injector, ...

Small X-band photoinjector packs powerful punch

(Phys.org)—Accelerator physicists at SLAC have started commissioning the world's most compact photoinjector – a device that spits out electrons when hit by light. Photoinjectors are used to generate electrons for free-electron ...

CERN scientists brainstorm future role

Scientists who searched for the famous Higgs Boson concluded a three-day brainstorming session on Wednesday for mapping a long-term global strategy for particle physics.

The perfect liquid -- now even more perfect

Ultra hot quark-gluon-plasma, generated by heavy-ion collisions in particle accelerators, is supposed to be the "most perfect fluid" in the world. Previous theories imposed a limit on how "liquid" fluids can be. Recent results ...

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