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Physicists discover new way to make strange metal

By tinkering with a quantum material characterized by atoms arranged in the shape of a sheriff's star, MIT physicists and colleagues have unexpectedly discovered a new way to make a state of matter known as a strange metal. ...

Advances in topological phase transition in organometallic lattices

A research group led by Prof. Li Xingxing of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of Chinese Academy of Chinese (CAS) made a reversible topological control in 2D organometallic lattices achieved through tautomerization. ...

A shade closer to more efficient organic photovoltaics

Transparent solar cells will transform the look of infrastructure by enabling many more surfaces to become solar panels. Now, materials called non-fullerene acceptors that can intrinsically generate charges when exposed to ...

Making light 'feel' a magnetic field like an electron would

Unlike electrons, particles of light are uncharged, so they do not respond to magnetic fields. Despite this, researchers have now experimentally made light effectively "feel" a magnetic field within a complicated structure ...

Manipulating the geometry of the 'electron universe' in magnets

Researchers at Tohoku University and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency have developed fundamental experiments and theories to manipulate the geometry of the "electron universe," which describes the structure of electronic quantum ...

More news

Condensed Matter
Study shows ultra-thin two-dimensional materials can rotate the polarization of visible light
Condensed Matter
Skyrmions move at record speeds: A step towards the computing of the future
Condensed Matter
Scientists experimentally observe current-driven antiskyrmion sliding
Condensed Matter
Beyond equilibrium: Scientists investigate Floquet Fermi liquids
Condensed Matter
Spintronics: A new path to room temperature swirling spin textures
Condensed Matter
A new spin on materials analysis: Benefits of probing electron spin states at much higher resolution and efficiency
Condensed Matter
Dual-beamline photoelectron momentum microscopy upgrade advances valence orbital analysis
Condensed Matter
Electrical control of magnetism by electric field and current-induced torques
Condensed Matter
A universal path for converting light into current in solids
Condensed Matter
Magnetism boosts hydrogen production in model catalysts
Condensed Matter
Efficiency boost: Dual light pulses minimize energy for phase transitions
Condensed Matter
Physicists discover a novel quantum state in an elemental solid
Condensed Matter
Quantum crystal of frozen electrons—the Wigner crystal—is visualized for the first time
Condensed Matter
Quantum behavior at room temperature: When laser light makes materials magnetic
Condensed Matter
New technique lets scientists create resistance-free electron channels
Condensed Matter
Quantum entanglement in quasiparticles: A stealth mode against disorder
Condensed Matter
Researchers develop mechanism of electrical 180° switching of Néel vector in spin-splitting antiferromagnet
Condensed Matter
Magnetic levitation: New material offers potential for unlocking gravity-free technology
Condensed Matter
High-performance terahertz modulators induced by substrate field in Te-based all-2D heterojunctions
Condensed Matter
Scientists investigate information propagation in interacting bosonic systems

Other news

Plants & Animals
Why do male chicks play more than females? Study finds answers in distant ancestor
Quantum Physics
Generating graph states of atomic ensembles via photon-mediated entanglement
New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars
Quantum Physics
Scientists show that there is indeed an 'entropy' of quantum entanglement
Earth Sciences
Taam Ja' Blue Hole in Mexico's Chetumal Bay found to be deepest in the world
Cell & Microbiology
Archaea can be 'picky eaters': Study shows a group of parasitic microbes can change host metabolism
Space Exploration
Horizontal running could help lunar astronauts retain physical conditioning
Veterinary medicine
This Texas veterinarian helped crack the mystery of bird flu in cows
Earth Sciences
Mystery behind huge opening in Antarctic sea ice solved
EPA underestimates methane emissions from landfills and urban areas, researchers find
General Physics
New work reveals the 'quantumness' of gravity
Quantum Physics
Researchers build new device that is a foundation for quantum computing
Researchers unlock potential of 2D magnetic devices for future computing
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers discover key functions of therapeutically promising jumbo viruses
Plants & Animals
Marine sharks and rays 'use' urea to delay reproduction, finds study
Molecular & Computational biology
Satellite images of plants' fluorescence can predict crop yields
Earth Sciences
New computer algorithm supercharges climate models and could lead to better predictions of future climate change
Earth Sciences
Do earthquake hazard maps predict higher shaking than actually occurred? Research finds discrepancy
Social Sciences
Religious intolerance predicts science denial, surveys suggest
Improved AI process could better predict water supplies

Simulating magnetization in a Heisenberg quantum spin chain

The rapid progress of quantum simulators is now enabling them to study problems that before have been limited to the domain of theoretical physics and numerical simulation. A team of researchers at Google Quantum AI and their ...

Team creates cooperative exciton-polariton condensate

Superfluorescence (SF), as a cooperative radiation effect originating from vacuum quantum fluctuations, is an ideal platform for studying many-body correlation mechanisms in an exciton ensemble, and for developing optically ...