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Fusion record set for tungsten tokamak WEST

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) measured a new record for a fusion device internally clad in tungsten, the element that could be the best fit for the commercial-scale ...

Creating an island paradise in a fusion reactor

In their ongoing quest to develop a range of methods for managing plasma so it can be used to generate electricity in a process known as fusion, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics ...

Plasma fusion: Adding just enough fuel to the fire

How much fuel can we add to the fire while still maintaining control? Metaphorically speaking, that's the question one team at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) has been asking themselves ...

New design prolongs the lifespan of plasma torches

Thanks to a new design contributed by a research team led by Prof. Zhao Peng from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the operation time for plasma torch gas been extended from ...

Study shows inverting fusion plasmas improves performance

To become commercially viable, fusion power plants must create and sustain the plasma conditions necessary for fusion reactions. However, at high temperatures and densities, plasmas often develop gradients in those temperatures ...

Plasma oscillations propel breakthroughs in fusion energy

Most people know about solids, liquids, and gases as the main three states of matter, but a fourth state of matter exists as well. Plasma—also known as ionized gas—is the most abundant, observable form of matter in our ...

More news

Plasma Physics
Plasma scientists develop computer programs that could reduce the cost of microchips, stimulate manufacturing
Plasma Physics
Engineers use AI to wrangle fusion power for the grid
Plasma Physics
Fusion research facility's final tritium experiments yield new energy record
Plasma Physics
NIF fusion breakeven claims peer reviewed and verified by multiple teams
Plasma Physics
Artificially intelligent software provides a detailed look at jets of plasma used to treat cancer
Plasma Physics
Scientists create effective 'spark plug' for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion experiments
Plasma Physics
First demonstration of predictive control of fusion plasma by digital twin
Plasma Physics
New design improves water decontamination via plasma jet
Plasma Physics
Liquid lithium on the walls of a fusion device helps the plasma within maintain a hot edge
Plasma Physics
Researchers visualize energetic ion flow in fusion devices
Optics & Photonics
Process for the optical analysis of trace gases optimized
Plasma Physics
New code developed for tokamak plasma rotation and transport analysis
Plasma Physics
Korean artificial sun, KSTAR, completes divertor upgrades for long pulse operations
General Physics
Newly developed material gulps down hydrogen, spits it out, protects fusion reactor walls
Plasma Physics
Physicist explains X-rays that shouldn't exist in 'cold' plasma
Plasma Physics
Collisions change how fast ions surf on plasma waves in fusion experiments and beyond
Optics & Photonics
An anomalous relativistic emission arising from the intense interaction of lasers with plasma mirrors
General Physics
Japanese experimental nuclear fusion reactor inaugurated
General Physics
Shrinking particle accelerators with cold plasma and a large picnic basket
Plasma Physics
New study shows how universities are critical to emerging fusion industry

Other news

Supernova SN 2023fyq exhibited long-lasting pre-explosion activity, observations show
Optics & Photonics
Scientists create an 'optical conveyor belt' for quasiparticles
Mosaic grassland landscapes are the most beneficial in terms of ecosystem services, Swiss study finds
Three stars circling the Milky Way's halo formed 12 to 13 billion years ago
Study supports theory that humans evolved the ability to run long distances to capture prey
Scientists develop sticky pesticide to combat pest insects
Researchers precisely characterize styrene oxide isomerase, which could help yield 'green' chemicals and drug precursors
Anticipating future discoveries: Scientists explore nontrivial cosmic topology
Earth Sciences
Chemical analysis of natural CO₂ rise over the last 50,000 years shows that today's rate is 10 times faster
Plants & Animals
In a reservoir in Southeast Brazil, introduction of a fish native to the Amazon has reduced native species diversity
Raspberry in the sky: Astronomers discover a new supernova remnant candidate
Condensed Matter
Physicists create five-lane superhighway for electrons
Optics & Photonics
Exploring the ultrasmall and ultrafast through advances in attosecond science
Analytical Chemistry
Machine learning and AI aid in predicting molecular selectivity of chemical reactions
Study reveals insights into protein evolution
Scientists help unravel life's cosmic beginnings
Bio & Medicine
New gel breaks down alcohol in the body
Condensed Matter
Exceptionally large transverse thermoelectric effect produced by combining thermoelectric and magnetic materials
Cell & Microbiology
Persistent strain of cholera defends itself against forces of change, scientists find
Long-term study finds organic farming leads to adaptations in the genetic material in plants

New driver for shapes of small quark-gluon plasma drops?

New measurements of how particles flow from collisions of different types of particles at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have provided new insights into the origin of the shape of hot specks of matter generated ...